Question: 1 / 50

What is the correct procedure for cleaning up broken glass in a food prep area?

Sweep glass shards immediately using a broom and dustpan

The correct procedure for cleaning up broken glass in a food prep area emphasizes safety and thoroughness. The most effective and safe method is to gather large pieces by hand first and then sweep up the remaining shards. This approach minimizes the risk of injury from sharp glass fragments and ensures that all pieces are accounted for. Although sweeping glass shards immediately with a broom and dustpan is a common method, it might not be sufficient on its own since smaller shards can be missed during sweeping. Using a vacuum cleaner can be appealing, but standard vacuums may not be equipped to handle sharp objects safely. Reporting to a supervisor is important for maintaining safety protocols, but it is generally paramount to address the immediate hazard of broken glass first before discussion or reporting can take place.

Gather large pieces by hand and sweep remaining shards

Use a vacuum cleaner to collect all glass shards

Report to supervisor before cleaning


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